Walden University Capstone About Dr. JonesAbout This ProgramCAPSTONE PORTFOLIO
About this Program
The Administration, Management, and Leadership specialization teaches educators the competencies they need to successfully administer a childcare program or operate a childcare business. Education professionals develop a strong foundation in child development concepts while building key leadership and business skills. They learn how to develop curriculum and programmatic content at the administrative level. They gain an understanding of health, safety, and other state codes and how to ensure that their center or program follows those standards. Educators explore strategies for communicating effectively about a center and its programs with parents, families, and the larger community.
A Word
From an Educator
“Education is an amazing gift. Those who love it are never satisfied at any level, but continue to chase ignorance, eager to find the next new learning ground to conquer.”
– Dr. WandaJean Jones
let's learn together
Applying Professional Knowledge Skills
Cultural Responsiveness
Professional Training & Development
This interactive course highlights the importance culturally responsive teaching, as a way to engage your class throughout the learning process, in meaningful ways.
Communication & Collaboration
Templates and Samples
Communication is EVERYTHING! This resource contains ready-to-use marketing and communication templates for the busy childcare professional. Choose from business letters, newlstters, and more!
Professional Identity
Directors Podcast Series
Childcare providers play an important role in supporting, encouraging, and setting the groundwork for children’s healthy development. Preparation & mindset can be the variance between success & failure.
A Small Note of Thanks
I would like to personally appreciate the collection of Early childhood professionals who have poured into me, during my time at Walden University, helping me to achieve this milestone. Dr. Lisset Bird-Pickens, Dr. Patricia Hampshire, Dr. Johnna Darraugh, Dr. Rosalie Parrish, Dr. Terry Davis, and the person whose guidance has been most influential, Dr. Carol Todd.