Cultural ResponsivenessEVERYONE BELONGS
This Interactive PowerPoint lesson is a continuing education course for early childhood professionals. The training will be rich with multimedia elements which will help immerse the learner in the training experience, while highlighting the importance of incorporating cultural awareness into teaching methods.
Length: 30-45 minutes
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Professional Development Training
A review of culturally responsive practices that support children and families
- Classroom themes that support diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Supporting immigrant populations
- The impact of language on thinking
- Communicating with diverse families
Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2008). Diversity in early care and education (5th ed., pp. 8–13). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill.
Maschinot, B. (2008). The changing face of the United States: The influence of culture on early childhood development. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Retrieved from
Office of Head Start. (2014). Revisiting and updating the multicultural principles for Head Start programs serving children ages birth through five. Retrieved from
Cultural Responsiveness
Professional Training & Development
This interactive course highlights the importance culturally responsive teaching, as a way to engage your class throughout the learning process, in meaningful ways.
Communication & Collaboration
Templates and Samples
Communication is EVERYTHING! This resource contains ready-to-use marketing and communication templates for the busy childcare professional. Choose from business letters, newlstters, and more!
Professional Identity
Directors Podcast Series
Childcare providers play an important role in supporting, encouraging, and setting the groundwork for children’s healthy development. Preparation & mindset can be the variance between success & failure.